Ceremonial, Thelema and High Magic at Mystic Convergence Metaphysical Supplies
A Cunning Mans Grimoire
A Garden of Pomegranates
Archangel Michael Sigil Ring
Charcoal Tongs
Elven Star Mystic Necklace

Ceremonial Magic is considered by some to be the highest form of Ritual Magick. Made infamous by Aleister Crowley and The Golden Dawn, it is highly structured with varying degrees of mastery. Some say it started with the secret rituals of King Solomon passing to the Knight's Templar and spreading thru the world when they fled from prosecution.
Over the centuries since, it has evolved with various individuals and organizations creating their own versions such as Thelema by Aleister Crowley, The Golden Dawn, The Rosicrucians, The Free Masons, The Eastern Star and more.
This section of our store contains tools and other objects designed for Ritual Magick including Seals of Solomon to call angels and demons, wands, altar chalices and more. As with all magick, they should be used with knowledge and intent.