Oracle Cards and Devices at Mystic Convergence Metaphysical Supplies
Dog Wisdom Cards
Dream Interpretation Cards
Dream Oracle Cards
Dream Reading Cards
Dreaming Way Lenormand Cards
Dreamtime Reading Cards
Earth Wisdom Oracle Cards
Elle Qui Oracle Cards
Enchanted Spell Oracle
Enchanted Unicorn Oracle
Every Day Oracle Cards
Everyday Witch Oracle Cards
Faery Blessing Cards
Faery Godmother Oracle Cards
Fairy Dust Inspiration Cards
Fairy Lenormand Oracle Cards
Fairy Oracle Cards
Flower Magic Oracle Cards
Flowers of the Night Oracle
Flowers Oracle Cards
Fortune Cookies Cards
Gaia Oracle Card Deck
Gems Oracle Cards
Goddess Dream Oracle
Goddess on the Go Cards
Green Oracle Cards
Gypsy Oracle Cards
Heal Yourself Reading Cards
Healing Energy Oracle
Heart & Soul Oracle Cards
I Ching Holitzka Cards
I Ching Oracle Cards
I-Ching of Love Cards
Imperial Dragon Oracle Cards
Isis Oracle Cards
![Oracle Cards and Devices Oracle Cards and Devices](
Oracles are said to be able to foretell the future and see thru the veil. The Greek world greatly revered the Oracle of Delphi consulting the priestess for all the important matters of their lives - it is said no general would go to war before consulting the Oracle.
Oracles are similar to Tarot Cards though do not adhere to the same card count or images as the Tarot and can be of other materials not just cards. Casting the bones and runes are some examples of oracles.
This section of our store includes oracle decks and other methods including the I-Ching. Each have their own system of casting and interpretation which is why most contain a book or booklet to guide your study and divination.