Creating a Prosperity Altar
- August 08, 2022
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Do you want to manifest more wealth and abundance in your life? One way to do that is to create a prosperity altar in your home. A prosperity altar is a sacred space where you place objects, symbols, and affirmations that represent your financial goals and gratitude. By creating and working with your prosperity altar, you can align your energy with the vibration of abundance and attract more opportunities and resources into your life.
Here are the basic steps to create your prosperity altar:
- Choose a Location
- Choose a Deity...or Not
- Choose Altar Objects to Support Your Goal
- Arrange Your Altar
- Use Your Altar
- Maintain Your Altar
Find the Perfect Location
According to Feng Shui, the southeast corner of your home, yard or room is for prosperity so if you can, locate it here. Mine (pictured) is in the southeast corner of my Temple - my meditation and healing room. Other good locations if you cannot do it in the SE would be North which is aligned to the element of Earth, the element of prosperity and growth, or East, the direction of new beginnings, and the element of Air to help you be wiser with your money.
Find a stable surface where it will not be disturbed away from little ones (or fur babies) - a shelf on the wall works well to keep things out of reach. An altar does not have to be big and you do not have to keep it up all the time so if you have limited space, you can set one up temporarily and ask for its energy to continue as you put it back away.
Choose a Prosperity Deity...or Not
You might want to include a statue or art (even just an image printed from the internet) of one of the Gods and Goddess of prosperity listed below:
- Lakshmi - the mother Goddess of Hindu mythology is the goddess of wealth. She rules over my own prosperity altar. She is usually depicted as a woman with 4 hands often holding gold and a lotus.
- Plutus - the Greek God of abundance and wealth, is the son of Hades and Persephone. He is also shown blind and handicapped or as a boy carrying a cornucopia.
- Abundantia - or Abundita is the Roman Goddess of wealth, abundance, and prosperity. She is often shown as a happy woman with a cornucopia in her hand. She is the destroyer of obstacles and negativity so good to call on for helping to eliminate bad habits or ideas you carry about money.
- Kubera - or Kuvera is a Hindu God of wealth and the Guardian of the North. He is also worshipped in Buddhism and Jainism. He is often shown as a semi-divine deity who protects the world.
- Odin - in Norse mythology, he is the father of Thor and is shown as an old man with one eye wielding a sword and spear. He is the god of art, wealth, war and wisdom.
- Sors - the ancient Roman God of wealth, prosperity, and luck. He was the son of the Goddess Fortuna. He is usually shown as a nude man with wings.
- Fortuna - the Greek Goddess of prosperity, wealth, deity, and luck. She is usually depicted as a woman holding a cornucopia.
- Juno Moneta - the Roman Goddess of Prosperity, memory, and finances, is the daughter of Uranus and Gaea. She holds scales and a cornucopia in her hands.
- Horus - the Egyptian God of wealth, power, strength, the universe, business, and prosperity. He is usually depicted as a human with a falcon head.
- Renenutet - the Egyptian Goddess of nourishment, harvest, wealth, and prosperity. She is usually shown as a woman with a cobra snake crown or with the head of a cobra.
- Tsai Shen - the Chinese God of wealth is also known as Lu Shing or "the Star God of Wealth". He is usually shown as a grey-bearded man laughing and riding a black tiger.
- Aje Shaluga - the Goddess of wealth, generosity, and business worshipped by the people of Yoruba religion. She is the daughter of Yemaya and Obatala and a water deity. She is usually shown carrying a large cowry shell full of gold and money.
- Toutatis - a Celtic God of wealth, money, war, and prosperity usually depicted as an old warrior wielding a shield and sword.
- Ganesha - as the Remover of Obstacles, he can remove ones to your prosperity. Shown as an elephant often seated on a throne or dancing. Learn more about Ganesha.
If you do not feel comfortable working with a deity, don't worry about it. Honor the duality of nature instead with both feminine and masculine items, use black and white crystals or stones for balance, or just honor the elements and not worry about the Gods. Remember this is your practice and you set the rules.
For much of my life, I was agnostic so working with any Gods was difficult for me. Over time, I felt more and more drawn to the Egyptian Pantheon and started working with their archetypes as recently have been working with other Gods in meditation. Above all, do what resonates for you.
Choose Items for Your Altar
Items on your prosperity altar should be what makes you feel rich looking at them - items in gold or silver are great choices as we associate those precious metals with wealth. Coins or paper money (even play money), crystals such as Citrine for prosperity, Jade for business success, and Aventurine for luck (the 3 generators on my own altar pictured), are great as well as gemstones such as diamonds or quartz to magnify the energy - I include several quartz crystals cut in the diamond shape for example.
Other ideas of things you can include would be a cornucopia or potted plant to represent the growth of your finances. You may want to keep a prosperity journal or write affirmations on sheets of paper or in a book stating your goals and intentions in positive statements such as "I am rich. Money flows to and through me easily. I am grateful for all the prosperity and abundance in my life."
As with most altars, balancing the elements is often recommended so try to add something for each element - Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Some ideas are:
- Earth - Potted plants or a bowl of soil, anything green, crystal or copper cubes, metal such as coins, a crystal associated with earth such as hematite, moss agate, diamonds, emeralds, pyrite or black onyx.
- Air - Incense, feathers, anything yellow, crystals such as apophyllite, danburite, phenakite, or clear quartz.
- Fire - Candles or oil lamps (LED candles if you cannot have a flame), anything red or orange, crystals such as carnelian, ruby, fire agate, amber, sunstone, and citrine.
- Water - A chalice or bowl of water (spring water recommended), shells or sand from the beach, anything blue, crystals such as aquamarine, larimar, lapis lazuli, sapphire, sodalite, azurite, coral, mother-of-pearl, or celestite.
Set Up Your Altar
There is no right or wrong way to arrange your altar, as long as it feels good to you and reflects your intentions. You can use a cloth, a tray, a shelf, or any other surface to place your items. You can also use flowers, incense, or music to enhance the atmosphere. The most important thing is to make your altar beautiful, meaningful, and inspiring to you.
If you follow a specific tradition such as Wicca, there may be some suggested locations for items on your altar such as fire elements in the South, water in the West, and so on, but don't be afraid to mix things up so they feel right to you.
How to Use Your Altar
To activate your altar and your prosperity, you need to use it regularly. You can light a candle, burn some incense, or play some music to create a sacred space. You can meditate, pray, or visualize your financial goals and gratitude. You can read or write your affirmations or gratitude list. You can also offer some gifts to your deity, such as food, flowers, or coins.
The more you interact with your altar, the more you infuse it with your energy and attract abundance into your life. The more you work with your altar, the more energy you put into it to help attract the prosperity you seek.
Simple Ritual Ideas:
- Morning Ritual: I like to spend time at my altar every morning before I start my day. Taking a few moments to light my candles, meditate, and be grateful for the opportunities of the day ahead sets me in the right mindset for the day. I pull my tarot cards and journal my intentions for the day.
- Evening Ritual: Before I go to bed, I revisit my altar for an evening meditation, journaling, and gratitude. I look at the intentions I had set in the morning and celebrate those I accomplished and forgive myself for the ones I didn't. It calms my mind and helps me sleep.
Try using your altar at different times and figure out what works for you. Altars can help you deal with the pressures and stress of everyday life. I also suggest avoiding electronics like computers and phones while at your altar. Such devices can change the energy of your sacred space and distract you. If you have a meditation or altar room, leave the phone outside.
Maintaining Your Altar
To keep your altar fresh and powerful, you need to clean and refresh it periodically. You can dust, wipe, or rearrange your items as needed. You can also add or remove items as you feel guided. Change out cut flowers or water the plants, refill water bowls, and generally take care of your sacred space.
I like to follow the lunar cycle and use the full moon to cleanse and charge my altar and the new moon to set new intentions and goals. By maintaining your altar, you also maintain your connection to your prosperity and abundance.
Have some fun with it and make this or any altar you set up truly your own.
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