Pagan Rituals, Wiccan Sabbats & Esbats at Mystic Convergence Metaphysical Supplies
365 Days of Crystal Magic
A Book of Pagan Rituals
A Pagan Ritual Prayer Book
A Witch's World of Magick
Arthurian Magic
As the Last Leaf Falls
Casting Sacred Space
Celebrate the Solstice
Death Rights and Rites
Do I Have to Wear Black?
Esoteric Freemasonry
Everyday Moon Magic
Everyday Sun Magic
Freemasonry For Beginners
Good Juju
Grimoire for the Green Witch
Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing
Herb Magic for Beginners
Hereditary Witchcraft
Honoring Your Ancestors
How to Use a Crystal
Instant Magick
Italian Witchcraft
Life Ritualized
Magical Candle Crafting
Magical Power For Beginners
Magickal Mediumship
Modern Witch
Moon Magick
Mysteries of Demeter
Of Blood and Bones
Paganism In Depth
Plant Magic
Ritual Craft
Rituals of Celebration
Scottish Witchcraft
Seasons of the Sacred Earth
Sigil Witchery
Signs, Symbols & Omens

The Wheel of the Year are the ancient celebrations and rituals practiced by Pagan and Wiccans around the world. Learn about the Equinox Rituals and Cross-Quater Sabbats including Beltaine, Lammas, Candlemas, Yule and more and learn new ways to celebrate these ancient pagan holidays.
This section includes books about all kinds of pagan and wiccan rituals from the Wheel of the Year to handfastings, rites of passage, moon magic and more. Whether you want to practice these Wiccan Rituals today or just want to learn more about them, these are the books you need.
Enjoy the magic and beauty of these pagan rites.